Conclude a marriage or make a request.

The Prophet, (S.A.W)said, " It is forbidden for the pilgrim to conclude an act of marriage or to speak of an engagement. (Muslim). For best umrah and hajj packages Umrah Tour packages.
To commit the carnal act.
Allah says (meaning of the verse):”No sexual Relationship, no perversity, no dispute during the pilgrimage . "
Atonement of the violation of one of the prohibitions of Ihram
If the Muslim commits one of the first five forbidden acts, he can redeem himself by one of the three expiations: the three-day fast, the food of six poor for one Moud for  each or the sacrifice of one, a beast.
Allah says (meaning of the verse): "  If one of you is sick or afflicted with a headache (and must shave), then he is redeemed by a Siyam or a Alms or by a sacrifice ...  " (Quran: 2/196)
 The preliminaries of the carnal act must be expiated by the sacrifice of a sheep.
As for the sexual act itself, it leads to the cancellation of the pilgrimage. His author must continue his worship as if nothing had happened,   sacrifice a camel, if he does not find a camel he must undertake a fasting of Ten days and make a subsequent pilgrimage of compensation.


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